End Of Line Packing Conveyors
Low Back Pressure Conveyors provide an effective gentle handling solution proving low line pressure where conveyed products are likely to come into contact with each other. The two main areas of use are where products are manually removed from the conveyor at end of line picking, the low back pressure allows ease of removal of touching products and allows end of line accumulation.
The LBP conveyors can also be used as an intermediary buffer conveyor where product is required to accumulate prior to be delivered into other packaging machinery. Low Back pressure conveyor for end of line come as standard in 200mm, 300mm and 400mm effective roller widths with lengths form 2000mm to 4000mm dependant on the number of operatives required for product removal.
Method of drive is common line shaft driving individual roller shafts along its length, each roller shaft has a number of individual free spinning rollers across the width, the weight of product provides a friction drive between the rollers and the continually rotating shafts, with any resistance to the pack allowing the shafts to continue running but the rollers providing a low back pressure solution.